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Both versions of the rating: Web & Mobi + all pages.
Two domains: WiTop.Ru & WorldInternetTop.Ru
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URL of website [100]:

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Many payment methods
Including WebMoney and Яндекс Money
We work with payment systems:
WorldKassa, InterKassa, RoboKassa, Free-Kassa,
and SmsCoin.
The cost of advertising in day: 2 руб.
Adding color to the day: 0 руб.
The addition of fat per day: 1 руб.
Add cursively per day: 0 руб.

1) Not allowed to buy advertising on sites with viruses, porn,
the exception are sites with light erotica.
2) We conduct post-moderation, links to pornographic content or viruses
removed without refund.
3) The administration has the right to change the name of the link
(if it does not conform to ethical standards).
Regulations of 16 June 2015.

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